Sunday, 4 March 2018

Swimming and Water Safety

For the first 10 days of school we were fortunate enough to be taking part in some swimming and water safety lessons for 35 minutes a day.

These lessons were held at Freyburg with instructors from Duck N Dive teaching us everything that we needed to know to make sure that we were safe in the water.

We would like to thank all of our instructors that we had as they were all really kind and heped us improve a lot in this area.

We are looking forward to using these skills in the future and especially for our lessons next year!

Check out some photos and videos below.

Floating on our backs like a starfish. 

Everyone loves races! 

Safe entry in to the pool with a lifejacket. 

Safe entry modeled by Kingston. 

Floating with a lifejacket. 

Pratising our huddles on land. 

Huddles in the pool. 

Huddles in the pool in the shallow. 

Huddles in the deep with someone in the middle to help keep them warm. 

Great work Room 15! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I loved swimming it was so fun. I liked the life jackets the most

  3. Looks very nice in there.

  4. yeah swimming rocks!

  5. once i did that

  6. Swimming the best!!!

  7. I nearly drowned
