Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Collaborative Learning

This term we have been learning to work collaboratively in our classroom. This means that we work in a group and all share ideas and strategies with each other.

Check out some of our math thinking below.

Can you think of another strategy to solve this?

 We doubled what we knew which was 1 person took 6 seconds to receive communion. Then from there we kept doubling until we reached 32. We knew that there were 36 people. 

Kingston then decided that we could change the seconds into minutes. Here is our Kingston worked it out for us all. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Class Mass Reflection Video

Yesterday we had our class mass celebrated with Father Matthew and many parents, grandparents, staff and siblings.

It was so lovely to be able to share with you all the different ways we are able to praise Our Father in Room 15.

Our theme was Forgiveness brings joy to our Hearts.

Below is our video that we made for our reflection. We hope you enjoy it. We would love you to leave a comment about our video and how it made you feel.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Class Mass

Kia ora Whanau,

A reminder that it is our class mass tomorrow at 10am.

Don't forget to bring an item of non-perishable food for our St Vincent De Paul collection.

We look forward to seeing you all join us in this celebration.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Fun Evening

This Wednesday is our Fun Evening at school from 5pm.

We invite all of you to come with your family and bring a picnic. The water slide will be available for everyone to use so make sure you have your togs! Also there is candy floss, sausages and hot chips for sale.

At 6:15 everyone will be introduced to the Board of Trustees and all of the staff. After that you will be able to come along and visit your child's class.

We hope to see all there.

Haere Ra Miss Mules

On Thursday the 15th of February our teacher Miss Mules had a special morning tea that the teachers organised for her. It was her last day at our school as Miss Mules.

During the morning tea she had to put on Faye's old wedding dress on. Then she walked around the school wearing it. Lots of children were screaming and yelling as they were all excited.

Then she came into our class and we surprised her with a card and Mrs Rihari had bought in some cupcakes.

Check out her dress! We can not wait to see her proper wedding photos and welcome back Mrs Ridley.

Swimming and Water Safety

For the first 10 days of school we were fortunate enough to be taking part in some swimming and water safety lessons for 35 minutes a day.

These lessons were held at Freyburg with instructors from Duck N Dive teaching us everything that we needed to know to make sure that we were safe in the water.

We would like to thank all of our instructors that we had as they were all really kind and heped us improve a lot in this area.

We are looking forward to using these skills in the future and especially for our lessons next year!

Check out some photos and videos below.

Floating on our backs like a starfish. 

Everyone loves races! 

Safe entry in to the pool with a lifejacket. 

Safe entry modeled by Kingston. 

Floating with a lifejacket. 

Pratising our huddles on land. 

Huddles in the pool. 

Huddles in the pool in the shallow. 

Huddles in the deep with someone in the middle to help keep them warm. 

Great work Room 15! 

Welcome to Room 15

Kia ora Whanau,

At the start of the year Mr Gu came in to our class and took a photo of us all. These are the people that are in Room 15 this year. We warmly welcome one new student to our school Ethan.

We knew we had to have a nice one but we also wanted a funny one as well.

Check them out below and tell us who has the best funny face!